Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Facebook Membership Hits 250 Million

Facebook Membership Hits 250 Million.
Facebook has passed the 250 million member mark, chief executive Mark Zuckerberg announced Wednesday.
“For us, growing to 250 million users isn't just an impressive number; it is a mark of how many personal connections all of you have made, and how far we at Facebook have to go to extend the power of connection to the billions of people around the world," Zuckerberg wrote in a blog post.

The milestone comes just three months after Facebook reached 200 million members, and one month after Facebook bypassed MySpace in terms of total U.S. visitors for the first time.

“The rapid pace of our growth is humbling and exciting for us, and it affirms that people everywhere are realizing the power of staying connected to everything they care about on Facebook," Zuckerberg said.

In May, Facebook pulled in 70.278 million unique visitors in the states, compared to MySpace's 70.237 million, according to data released by ComScore. That made Facebook the most popular site in the U.S., in terms of visitors. Just a month earlier, Facebook had a little over 67 million U.S. visitors behind MySpace's 70.9 million.

SOURCE: PC Magazine

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